miramiru Inc., which has operated the film and culture web magazine “cinefil” in Japan, will open a global NFT marketplace as a new business venture.
The theme of this marketplace is “Japanese culture to the world.
We aim to create new value by making various cultures born in Japan known to the world.

The name of the site is “Me-kiki”.
The Japanese meaning is the ability to discern the value, authenticity, etc. of things.
It is also used to distinguish a person’s talent and character.
We will launch the website in January 2024 and inform people around the world about the splendor of Japanese culture.
Promotion Image Trailer
The first “Me-kiki” lineup will be announced in January, as well, We are now accepting NFT works inspired by Japan from around the world as well.
We are also looking for business plans utilizing the new Web 3.0.
We will also be accepting proposals for free ideas and plans at the same time.
We will work together with our company to find a way to develop global sales of both the works and the plans. In addition to the prize money, we and the copyright holder will sign a contract for the works to be sold in the marketplace, and we will pay a stipulated percentage of the sales price.
Applications are open to anyone residing in Japan, overseas, or on Earth. The application method and application acceptance period are as follows. How to apply: Send your application along with the data to be delivered (images, video data, 3D data) and a proposal (PDF, etc.) to the address below.
Application Eligibility
Anyone residing in Japan, overseas, or on Earth is eligible to apply.
How to apply
Deliverable data: images, video data, 3D data, (e.g., application for planning only), PDF, etc. with the proposal
Images: jpg/jpeg 20MB or less
Video: mp4 200MB or less
Vertical-to-horizontal ratio: No restrictions
Please send your work to the address below with the data of your work attached.
Please send your work to the following address with the required information filled out.
Subject : “FUTURE & RETRO
▪ Nickname: The nickname will be used as the author’s name (or project name) when we introduce your work.
▪ Email address: We will use this address to contact you regarding the selection results, etc.
Your name (We will not disclose your name on the web or other external media)
Address (We will not disclose this information on the web or to any other external parties.)
If you have a social networking account such as X account or Instagram, please include it with your application.
If you have an X account and an Instagram account, please include them as well.
Works that infringe on copyrights or portrait rights are not eligible.
Those selected will be notified by email.
Entry Requirements
Entries must be works created by the entrant. Entries must not violate copyright laws.
Application period
December 23, 2023 – March 2024
(First round of selection)
However, selected works will be posted on the Marketplace from time to time during the application period.
Announcement of results
March 30, 2024