Moaisoft, renowned for developing diverse software, has released “Kaimyou Maker” today, December 19, 2024. This Nintendo Switch™...
Author - TodaYukiwo
The live-action drama adaptation of the hit anime “Oshi no Ko”, which premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 28, 2024, showcases...
Rings, Necklaces, and Commemorative Coins, etc. Five Varieties with Bonus New Adapted Artwork Preorders open until Monday, January 20, 2025 U...
Personalized Mock Interviews and Career Consulting Now Available, Offering Anytime-Anywhere Career and Life Support for Job Seekers in Japan and...
New font lists are now available in Morisawa Fonts Curation. The new lists feature popular Simplified and Traditional Chinese typefaces from Arphic...
Gora Kadan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Ryutaro Hashimoto) is proud to announce the opening of its second luxury...
Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, “SHM”) has decided to introduce “Zoom Meetings”, a video conferencing application provided...
– KAWAII Magazine, the must-read music airplay and ranking magazine for anime and music fans, is finally available for purchase...
~Evolved Latest Model and Pre-Order Details to be Revealed~ Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo) today announced that they will...
TOKYO – TOYOTA MOBILITY SERVICES CO., LTD. (TMS) announced today that it will introduce the VoiceBiz®UCDisplay® color version, a transparent display...