Dragon Ball continues to gain fans across the world through various forms of media, including comics, animated works, games, and merchandise. Dragon Ball...
(Image above)The VOCALOID6 voicebanks (left to right): GekiyakuV, KazehikiV, Vocalo no Ci-chan, Kanade, Uge, Kasukabe Tsumugi Yamaha Corporation announces the...
A Gratitude Campaign on July 17th, “Manga Day” Popular Japanese Manga “Thank You” in Four Countries Worldwide The Anti-Piracy...
TOBooks, Inc. has decided to newly introduce the localization platform “INKR Studio” () into “CORONA EX for English” (). Additionally, in response to feedback...
〜Aiming to become a global company in the VTuber market, accelerating business expansion!〜 ClaN Entertainment Inc. (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; Motoyuki...