Tokyo, Japan – SND Incorporated (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takayuki Hiiragi, hereafter “SND”) is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking...
BROOKLINE, Mass. — Jolly Good US Inc. is proud to announce the groundbreaking debut of research findings on its Medical Virtual Reality (VR) platform in...
A Milestone Entry into Spatial Computing Healthcare BROOKLINE, Mass. — Jolly Good US Inc. proudly presents “JOLLYGOOD+ for Vision Pro,” a groundbreaking...
TOKYO, Feb1, 2024 — Sasakawa Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) Initiative has partnered with the World Health Organization to co-host the launch of the...
New sleeping solutions that facilitate deeper breathing, improve sleep quality, and bring health benefits TOKYO — Toratani Co., Ltd. (Kahoku City...