TOKYO – August 16, 2021 – Pre-registration opens today for LINE CHO DAIFUGO, a new card game coming to LINE Corporation’s LINE GAME platform.

LINE CHO DAIFUGO pre-registration website: (Japanese only)
Use skills and items to turn the tables around! Exciting battle mode for playing against players around the world!
LINE CHO DAIFUGO takes the rules of the familiar card game Daifugo and adds skills and items to become a new and exciting strategic card game app. Players can battle against their LINE friends as well as anyone around the world!

Game rules
Similar to the popular card game Daifugo, players are randomly dealt the same number of cards at the beginning of the game. Then, each play cards with a higher face value than the previous player, or may pass. The objective is to get rid of your cards before everyone else.
With LINE CHO DAIFUGO, skills and items can be used to spice up the game. Skills such as Petit Revolution (allows one to temporarily cause a revolution) and Rule Elimination (resets existing rules or a revolutionary state) add exciting strategic elements to the game. Even if you are in a disadvantageous position, leverage skills and items cleverly to turn the tables and win with a home run!
Available game modes
1. Ranking mode
LINE CHO DAIFUGO’s main play area. Battle online against players around the world to achieve high rankings.
Note: Players are randomly matched with opponents in Ranking mode.
2. Friends mode
Invite and play together with up to five LINE friends. LINE CHO DAIFUGO has twelve local rules—switch to rules that are familiar to you and your friends to enjoy the game even more! Players can also watch other friends play.
3. Single mode
Play against a CPU. A quick and easy way to practice or play on your own, anytime, anywhere.
Leverage character skills!
Animal-like characters that you can choose for battles each have their own skill sets. Make sure you activate their skills cleverly because these can make or break the game! Obtain additional characters by collecting a set number of character pieces available through gachas. Character pieces can also be used to strengthen existing characters.
Pre-registration starts today!
Pre-registration for LINE CHO DAIFUGO opens today. Players can obtain gacha tickets or useful in-game items such as Coins based on the number of people who pre-register. Gift rewards become more impressive as more people register, so everyone is encouraged to sign up.
The items will be rewarded to all players who log in to the game after LINE CHO DAIFUGO’s official release.
Also enter a campaign to win more rewards by sharing LINE CHO DAIFUGO with your friends from the game’s official account.
When: From August 16 until day before official service launch
How to Pre-Register
・Friend the LINE CHO DAIFUGO official LINE account (LINE ID: @line_chodaifugo)
・Follow the official LINE CHO DAIFUGO Twitter account (
Note: Blocking or unfollowing the account will void the pre-registration.
Pre-Registration Rewards
Over 50,000 pre-registrants: 2 normal gacha tickets
Over 100,000 pre-registrants: 2 normal gacha tickets and 3 “cut turn” items
Over 150,000 pre-registrants: 2 normal gacha tickets, 3 “cut turn” items, and 1,000 coins
Over 200,000 pre-registrants: 2 normal gacha tickets, 3 “cut turn” items, 1,000 coins,
and 2 SR character “Hedgehog” pieces
Note: SR character “Hedgehog” pieces are also rewarded after playing the tutorial.
Character pieces are powerful tools for strengthening your characters.
<Preview> Take the Millionaire Test to win a set of pure gold leaf playing cards!
A Millionaire Test campaign will launch to commemorate the pre-registration of LINE CHO DAIFUGO. During the campaign period, take the Millionaire Test available on the LINE CHO DAIFUGO pre-registration website and share your results on Twitter. Amazon gift cards will be rewarded to 100 players every day on the spot! One lucky player who shares a Super Millionaire (CHO DAIFUGO) result will be selected randomly to receive a set of pure gold leaf playing cards! Everyone is encouraged to enter for this exciting opportunity!
When: From August 23 until day before official service launch
Under its corporate mission of “Closing the Distance,” LINE will continue to develop a variety of engaging and innovative content through LINE GAME and its other services to bring users even closer together.

Supported devices: iPhone/Android
Genre: Card game
Supported languages: Japanese, Chinese (Traditional)
Supported regions: Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao
Service launch: August 2021 (tentative)
Price: Free-to-play (contains in-app purchases)
Developed by: Neptune Company, MMAGNET Corp.
Operated by: LINE Corporation
Copyright: © LINE Corporation ©NEPTUNE Corp. All rights Reserved. ©MMAGNET Corp. All rights Reserved.
Official website: (Japanese only)
LINE Official Account: @line_chodaifugo
Android and Google Play are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.
iPhone, iTunes, and App Store are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
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All information is true and accurate at the time of publication, and subject to change without notice.