The live-action drama adaptation of the hit anime “Oshi no Ko”, which premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 28, 2024, showcases beloved characters such as Ai Hoshino and Kana Arima...
atmos Japan is excited to announce that atmos Con Vol.9 will be held in April 2025. This event celebrates the 25th anniversary of atmos and offers a chance to...
The “We Are All Medalists” concept follows the colors of the gold, silver, and bronze medals. Atmos Japan is excited to announce the upcoming release of an...
Available starting from June 29th. atmos is excited to announce the release of the “WOOD ESCAPE” atmos exclusive New Balance “MT580...
Equipped with GORE-TEX product technology and featuring the unique gimmick of atmos exclusives, the “GID-SNK” has been adopted. This time, atmos has...