1SEC (head-quartered in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, and in Los Angeles, USA, CEO: Hirokuni Miyaji) that runs a web3 creative studio 1BLOCK announces a collaboration with...
Berserk will resume serialization from Young Animal No. 13 to be released on June 24. The following is a message from the Young Animal Editing Department...
A hub system that provides seamless connection of equipment and devices, and the people and services that use them. A joint venture by aircord and The...
On March 25, Smart Lab, Inc. (Honolulu ) announced the launch of a gold-backed NFT sale. The name of the NFT is “GOLDen Frog.” This was made...
Now, it’s joined forces with Japanese manga subculture to issue an NFT that leads to the Metaverse! UHS Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Japan), which participates in the NFT...