From Friday, March 12 to Sunday, March 14, 2021, a traditional performing arts event titled “Representation of Prayer” will be held at a special venue against...
Since its founding, 1SEC inc. (Headquarters: Meguro City, Tokyo) has raised a total of ¥270 million in funds through third-party allotments, with investors...
The Japan Cultural Expo is pleased to announce that Kabuki actor Kikunosuke Onoe has become an Official Supporter as of Thursday, January 21. Kikunosuke Onoe...
Kochi Prefecture (Japan) is holding The Yosakoi Challenge: Yosakoi Your Way to Happiness social media event from February 1st to February 28th, 2021. The...
Kochi Prefecture (Japan) has released three videos aimed at showing people around the world the appeal of the Yosakoi dance festival, which originated in the...