Drecom Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Yuki Naito) announces that “Tokyo Stories,” scheduled for release on PC and consoles...
TOKYO- With the proliferation of OTT platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime in the world, the popularity of Japanese animation has grown rapidly over the...
BLRD, Pte Ltd (Headquartered in Singapore, President: Eiji Araki, a wholly owned subsidiary of GREE Inc, hereinafter “BLRD”) has started to operate validator...
The unique romance adventure VR game from Japan, presented by ULTRANOVA Entertainment, is now available with English subtitles! Introduction Koi-Koi VR: Love...
Project LUMINA (NotesCo., Ltd., Aniplex Inc., Lasengle Inc.) announces new playable characters,”The Count of Monte Cristo” and “Ushiwakamaru”, for the 2D...