Award-Winning Multi-Genre Adventure Features Over 200 Pages of Hand-Drawn Animation Aniplex Inc. today announced that handmade notebook adventure RPG Time: The...
Asobimo, Inc. has launched the official service of the new multi-platform (PC/Android/iOS) MMORPG “Eternal Kingdom Battle Peak” The game features...
Gravity Game Arise Co., Ltd. (located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has released a new title “Arctictopia” on Steam as a project of the “GRAVITY INDIE...
From August 8 (Mon.), in-game measures will be implemented. Character stories, New chapter, Pickup Gachas, login bonuses, and more! NAGOYA, JAPAN...
NAGOYA, JAPAN –WonderPlanet Inc., an entertainment company led by Founder and CEO Tomoki Tsunekawa, announces that “The Mysterious Greek Box” event has started...